Our friends at Dairy Goodness can help answer this.

Whether there’s skim, 1%, 2%, homogenized or chocolate milk in your glass, you always get the same 16 essential nutrients.

In addition to being fortified with vitamin D, milk is also a natural source of 15 essential nutrients. Whether it is skim, 1%, 2% or homogenized, chocolate or powdered, milk provides basically the same nutritious elements. The only variable is the choices of fat content – and, in the case of chocolate milk, the sugar content. In addition, milk contains about 85% water, making it an effective thirst quencher.

Here’s a brief look at what a glass of any kind of milk contains:

Protein: Helps build and repair body tissues, including muscles and bones, and plays a role in the creation of antibodies which fight infection.
Vitamin A: Aids bone and tooth development. Also aids in the maintenance of night vision and healthy skin.
Vitamin B12: Aids in red blood cell formation.
Vitamin B6: Factor in the conversion of food into energy and tissue formation, including bones.
Riboflavin: Factor in the conversion of food into energy and tissue formation.
Niacin: Aids in normal growth, and is a factor in the conversion of food into energy and tissue formation, including bones.
Thiamine: Releases energy from carbohydrate and aids normal growth.
Pantothenic acid: Factor in the conversion of food into energy and tissue formation, including bones.
Folate: Aids in red blood cell formation.
Vitamin D: Enhances calcium and phosphorus absorption, on which strong bones and teeth depend.
Calcium: Aids in the formation and maintenance of strong bones and healthy teeth. 
Magnesium: Factor in bone and teeth health, conversion of food into energy and tissue formation.
Phosphorus: Factor in the formation and maintenance of strong bones and healthy teeth.
Potassium: Aids in the correct functioning of nerves and muscles.
Zinc: Factor in tissue formation, including bones, and conversion of food into energy.
Selenium: Factor in the correct functioning of the immune system, due to its antioxidant effect.