Why offer Milk at School?
Making milk available to students during the school week makes it easy to access, ensures it’s always cold and fresh, eliminates the possible milk-soaked lunch bags, and helps to encourage the development of healthy eating habits.
Milk and dairy products provide 15 essential nutrients that help students grow, like calcium and protein to help build strong bones.
Helps students make sure they’re well-nourished and ready to concentrate and learn.
It’s fun.
Milk at School in 6 easy steps!
1. Pick someone to help with ordering and coordinating the distribution of the milk.
2. Purchase or acquire a fridge to keep the milk cold.
3. Place a milk order with your local dairy. Not sure who to call? We can help!
4. Set the price for milk and encourage parents to prepay for milk by the month or year.
5. Recruit student Milk MOO-nitors to help distribute the milk.
6. Have questions? We can help!
1.877.361.1231 ext 3327 or schoolmilk@albertamilk.com