2023 Alberta Milk Annual General Meeting

After three years of virtual meetings due to the pandemic, Alberta Milk is pleased to return to an in-person annual general meeting. Please join us for our 2023 Annual General Meeting November 21 and 22, 2023 at the Calgary Marriott Airport Hotel in Calgary.

This year’s AGM format is different than any previous years. Hosted over 2 days, day 1 will see a half day of general industry information and update sessions followed by a wine and cheese reception for industry and producers alike. The morning of day 2 will be the official business portion of the AGM, open to all with the afternoon session open for producers only, for policy and governance discussion.

The agenda will include highlights such as:
• Dairy Farmers of Canada Update
• Lactanet Update
• Western Milk Pool Update
• Alberta Milk Financial Reporting
• 2023-24 Alberta Milk and WMP Strategic Plan
• 2023-24 Budget
• Resolutions and Policy Discussion

Unable to join us in Calgary?

The November 22 AGM will also be broadcast via Zoom if you would like to attend virtually. The Zoom meeting link will be sent to you a few days before the AGM.

Day 1
November 21, 2023 Information Session

11:45 am Lunch

1 pm Welcome
Stuart Boeve, chair

1:15 pm WMP Update
Nolan Berg, CEO

2 pm Processing Perspective
Dan Wong (Western Dairy Council)

2:45 pm Dairy Outlook
Kimberly Shipley (MNP)

3:15 pm Break

3:30 pm The Canadian Dairy Industry from a NB Perspective
Wietze Dykstra (Dairy Farmers of NB)

4:15 pm Lactanet Update
Neil Petreny, CEO

4:30 pm Adjourn

Wine and Cheese Evening Social

Join us from 6:30 pm to 9 pm to network with other dairy industry representatives.

Day 2
November 22, 2023 Annual General Meeting (In person and virtual)

7:30 am Breakfast

8:45 am Call to Order
• Approval of agenda
• Approval of 2022 AGM minutes

8:55 am Greetings from Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation
The Honourable RJ Sigurdson

9:05 am General Manager’s Report

9:15 am Dairy Farmers of Canada Report
Jacques Lefebvre, CEO and David Wiens, President

9:45 am Western Milk Pool Report
Henry Holtmann, WMP Board chair

10 am Break

10:15 am Alberta Milk Financial Reporting
• Appointment of auditors

10:35 am 2023-24 Alberta Milk/WMP Strategic Plan

10:50 am 2023-24 Budget

11:10 am Remuneration Report
• Approval of Remuneration Policy

11:30 am Director at Large Election

11:45 am Recognition of Outgoing Directors

12 pm Provincial Milk Quality Award

12:10 pm Lunch

• Resolutions and Policy Discussions
• Bylaw amendments

2:15 pm Adjourn

Meeting Documents

The AGM meeting documents will be uploaded below.


Thank you to our Sponsors.

Your support is very appreciated.

Registration closed on November 13, 2023.