Fairlife is a product that currently comes from the USA as they are currently building a plant in Canada. Once the plant is built, the milk will be sourced from Canadian dairy farms. (Learn more about Canadian milk quality and how to identify Canadian milk.)

They don’t add anything to their milk to increase the protein or decrease the sugar, rather it’s the filtration process. According to their website, “We filter our milk into its five components (water, minerals, lactose, protein and fat) and then recombine them in different proportions. So we never need to add protein powders – it’s already in the milk!” So, by breaking the milk down more, they are able to add more protein and remove some sugar.

If you’re looking for a similar products that’s currently (as of December 2018), using Canadian milk, you can try Joyya. Joyya offers 75% more protein and 25% less lactose (sugar)
than regular milk. It’s also shelf-stable, which means it can be stored in your pantry (not refrigerated) and last a lot longer than fresh milk. Wait, wait, how do they do that? We’ve got you covered on the shelf-stable, or UHT milk.