The New Producer Program has two components:  New Producer Assistance Program (NPAP) for conventional and organic dairy farms, and a Mentorship and Training Support Program.

The NPAP helps qualified farmers enter the dairy industry in Alberta by offering a quota loan at no cost while the Mentorship and Training support will include annual training and support workshops that will be available to all producers.

About the Program

The program works by matching 2 kilograms of quota from Alberta Milk for every kilogram of quota purchased by the new producer up to 30 kilograms/day at no cost.

This loan translates to enough quota to milk about 25-30 additional cows. While using the program, new producers can expand up to 75 kg/day of purchased quota in the first five years or 120 kg/day of purchased quota after.

Applications for NPAP will be accepted twice-a-year from January 1st to March 31st and from August 1st to October 31st.

2022 Program Enhancements

Over the past year, Alberta Milk completed a full review of the program and requested input from producers and industry on how to improve the sustainability of the program.

The following changes were made effective August 1, 2022:

  1. Increase the amount of the non-saleable quota loan from 25 kg to 30 kg.
  2. Increase the farm size limit to 75 kg/day of purchased quota for the first five years and 120 kg/day of    purchased quota after five years.
  3. The term of the quota loan is non-saleable for life.
  4. The length of entry period upon approval is extended to two years.
  5. Producers may sell underproduction credits
  6. The program will be open to all individuals who meet the program criteria. Applicants who are part of family transfers are eligible to apply.
  7. The applicant is deemed to be an applicant farm rather than an applicant individual.
  8. Applicants with a maximum of $3M in equity are eligible to apply.
  9. There will be two intakes for applications per year.
  10. The application process will include a two-step process (initial screening and full application).
  11. All successful applicants will be required to attend an in-depth orientation session.
  12. The name of the program will be changed to New Producer Program which has two components: A. New Producer Assistance Program (conventional and organic) and B. Mentorship and Training Support Program.
  13. In support of the Mentorship and Training Support Program, Alberta Milk will host an annual training and support workshop that will be available to all producers.

How to Qualify for the NPAP:

Step 1: Submit an expression of interest application

Step 2: Submit full application after being successful in Step 1.

NPAP Conventional Guidelines


NPAP Application Forms and Requirements


For further details about the program and application requirements call 1-877-361-1231.

*Joining this program is not a pre-requisite to becoming a dairy producer in Alberta.

You can view our 2022 Producer Policy Handbook, that contains our policies and procedures for further information about becoming a part of the dairy industry in Alberta.

“Our primary goal is to support new producers in establishing a viable and sustainable dairy farm here in Alberta. We have been working with producers to enhance the program and have made changes such as increasing the loan kilograms and farm size limits in addition to other positive changes to make the program as robust as possible.”

– Stuart Boeve, Chair of Alberta Milk